Summer is in full force and there are many ways for people to get out and enjoy the weather. What can a family or organization do to make sure that they are protecting the environment while they are having fun? In an effort to make this easier, here are a few tips and tricks to help make the most of this season of sun and fun:
Fill a few hours on a summer afternoon or plan an all-day outdoor adventure by having a green picnic. An ideal green picnic combines healthy foods, a great location, and environmentally-friendly paper products and picnic supplies. Consumers should make sure that eco-friendly paper products are Green Seal certified, as this takes the guesswork out of the green evaluation process for the purchaser.
Before setting out on a green picnic with eco-friendly paper products, families and organizations should choose reusable picnic baskets such as cloth grocery bags or even an old fashioned picnic basket. Look first for any delicious “excess” in your pantry and fridge before dashing to the supermarket. Make creative use of leftovers for picnics, so you don’t have to purchase carry-out, which results in more trash!
Or – choose organic food from farmers markets—this is better for both the earth and the environment. Also try to include whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and other similar food items that don’t require any additional packaging in order to stay fresh.
Environmentally conscious picnic-goers should choose recycled or recyclable picnic products. Biodegradable dishes, corn cutlery, cloth napkins, and Green Seal certified paper products are ideal for green picnics. Even though the picnic products are eco-friendly, picnic-goers should still remember to leave the site cleaner than it was found. Garbage—no matter how biodegradable—is not a natural part of any picnic site.
To repel insects, chemical sprays are not your only option. Try applying citronella oil, a natural, plant-based bug repellent. Other insect-repellent essential oils include cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint and rosemary.
Acting green means thinking about everyone long term, not just yourself. Take your rubbish home or throw it in covered garbage and recycle bins to prevent attracting yellow jackets, rodents, or other wildlife. Keep our nature beautiful.
If you used a grill to grill your vegetables then clean it before you leave and place trash in a covered bin so the animals and bugs don’t get it.
The right biodegradable eatery can make any picnic Mother Nature’s dream.
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