Nature is threatened by the effect that climatic changes can have on it. In conditions that are already so alarming, does recycling really matter? Yes, it does because it can still play a very notable role and help preserve the environment.
The threats that are being faced now are very serious and involve issues such as toxic emissions and global warming. Amidst all these concerns, some people have started to believe that recycling is an old story now and does not have any importance. However, recent research suggests otherwise and claims that recycling can play a very notable part in transport and sustainable energy systems.
A well-known professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis says that household waste does have its importance but it only takes up a small amount of the overall waste that is generated by developed economies. The professor believes that even on an individual level a lot can still be done to somewhat brighten the otherwise grim situation.
The industry experts believe that among the total waste that is generated there is a large potential of untapped energy, and this should be utilized to the utmost. In many countries of the world, the energy for district heating is generated by burning trash that cannot be recycled. In situations where recycling may not be feasible, waste-to-energy systems can still have notable advantages.
Several studies are being conducted that are aimed at producing hydrogen fuel from waste. One of the simplest models is that of a system which convert the waste from an olive oil plant and converts it into hydrogen gas. Energy can be derived from this gas by utilizing fuel cells. The same waste can also be used for producing electricity and biogas.
The study has also proposed a prototype for a fuel cell powered car that can operate on the hydrogen energy derived from waste. This prototype is very efficient and can cover almost 1000 kilometers while using not even a full liter of fuel.
Considering the scientific developments, the industry experts are confident that the technology can really make a difference. However, it should be kept in mind that it cannot fully solve global problems. However, when used in conjunction with other strategies, quite impressive results can be achieved.