The TurbiTechw 2 HR is a self cleaning sensor which has been created in order to facilitate water treatment systems, particularly waste water treatment systems which favor high levels of suspended solids during the aeration phase. While there have been skeptical views on the self cleaning sensor, the TurbiTechw 2 HR comes equipped with Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) that typically comes up to 8,000 to 14,000 mg/l when viewed at for the MLSS values.
This is in turn sheds a very favorable light on the TurbiTechw 2 HR since high levels of MLSS values ensure that the concentration of their components induces a beneficial condition including the possibility of increased stability in operations, reduction of biological mass requirements to a mere 20 to 30 percent of various conventional biological procedures and complete nitrification.
Furthermore, with the TurbiTechw 2 HR, a clarifier is not a necessary requirement owing to the fact that it comes equipped with membrane tanks that are extremely spacious and can function easily in a space efficient manner to separate solids. The TurbiTechw 2 HR also differs from other self cleaning sensors since its sensor does not get hindered with the presence of grease or other deposits of fats which are known to clog and prevent various sensors from being able to perform their function.
The TurbiTechw 2 HR on the other hand, faces no such problems. It is able to cope with grease and fat deposits and has a self cleaning mechanism which ensures that its optical surfaces remain clean at all times. It requires only minimal manual handling in a routinely manner. When general housekeeping is being attended to, it is enough to just give the sensor a cursory checkup to make sure it’s in working order. Other than that, TurbiTechw 2 HR is capable of conducting cleanups on its sensors in a 5 hourly cycle.
The cleaning system is also designed specifically to avoid various problems like ragging and smearing of the optical surface. In turn, this makes sure that one is not required to manhandle it manually to make sure that it stays functional. Not only does it have self cleaning abilities but the constant monitoring and active sensors make sure that you get a cleaning mechanism which is active 24/7.
All in all, compared to the other types of waste and sanitation purifiers that have been introduced in the market, the TurbiTechw 2 HR seems to be among the best self cleaning equipment available.
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