Every year we waste tons of wrapping paper, glass, Christmas trees and food. This infographic shows how much we send to landfills as a direct result of Christmas waste and what we can all do to reduce it. Connect with us: Facebook – Twitter – LinkedIn – YouTube – Google + Source: www.guaranteedleafletdistribution.co.uk
Posts tagged "dumpster rental in new jersey"
New Fuel Cell Could Improve Biodiesel Plant Hazards

A renowned university has come up with a new concept of a fuel cell. If implemented, biodiesel plants will no longer produce hazardous wastewater and be dependent on fossil fuel. Microbes are used for both gleaning ethanol and cleaning water. Ethanol can then be reincorporated into the process.
dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new fuel cell biodiesel plants, recycling in new jerseyMobile Homes Created from Trash for the Homeless

A talented artist has converted trash into modular homes. These homes are small, but they perfectly serve the needs of homeless people. The idea is a really great one that is not only benefitting humanity, but recycling trash and preserving the environment. Hopefully, in the time to come, we will see more of these or […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jersey, trash made into homes for homelessThis Discovery Could Completely Change the Face of the Energy Sector

Did you know that solar power can be generated during the night as well when there is no sun shining in the sky? Up till now, this was a big no, but now scientists think otherwise and believe that they just might be able to achieve this seemingly impossible concept. This one discovery can completely […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new solar energy discovery, recycling in new jerseyWhat Can You Put in a Dumpster? (Infographic)

Whether you’re working on a renovation or cleaning out some old junk from your house, dumpsters are the easiest way to get rid of a lot of materials. This infographic lists items that can and can’t be disposed of in rental dumpsters.
dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jersey, what you can put in a dumpsterRecycling Leads to Profits…Only if Commodities are Priced Higher

Recycling is a great business that can provide you with lots of benefits, not to mention an additional income stream, but only so when the commodities are priced higher. We can back up our claim by giving you an example of one of the biggest companies in the waste management industry, which has recycled tons […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, dumpster rental teaneck new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jerseyCommercial Waste Management

Industrial waste is made from various commercial activities that take place in plants, factories, mines and mills. Commercial waste consists of chemical, toxic, hazardous and solid industrial wastes which are playing a significant role in polluting New York, and the world in general. While there are fewer regulations on proper water disposal and waste disposal […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, dumpster rental teaneck new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jerseyPower Storage: A Look into the Future

There are so many homes in the country that have reverted to solar power for their electrical consumption needs, and every year, the numbers are increasing rapidly. According to a recent report, almost 400 GW to 600 GW of additional solar power can be installed at a residential level until the year 2020. Solar power […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, dumpster rental teaneck new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jerseyEnergy Department Cuts Red Tape for Rooftop Solar Systems

The U.S. Energy Department recently announced eight teams to spur solar power deployment by cutting red tape for residential and small commercial rooftop solar systems. Below are some points to keep you up to date on this key alternative energy development. As part of the DOE’s Rooftop Solar Challenge, these teams in Broward County; at […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, dumpster rental teaneck, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, recycling in new jerseyShould Investments be Made in Waste-to-Gas Technologies or Not?

Waste-to-gas technologies have recently received a lot of attention in the waste management and energy industry. The advantages of such a technology need not be mentioned. What we are concerned with right now are the drawbacks that are associated with the industry or so a recent report points out. If these are brought into the […]
dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new jersey dumpster rental, recycling in new jersey