Imagine; a system that converts discarded plastic into crude oil – that’s what an Oregon based start-up called Agilyx says it has created. The company hopes to start selling commercial versions in approximately nine months but a prototype has already been in development for the past 18 months. The system converts cooked plastics into a […]
Posts tagged "easy tips for recycling plastics"
$20 Billion Plan to Protect Boroughs from Future Mega-Storms

Installing bulkheads, levees and even developing a new mini-neighborhood of sorts on Manhattan’s east side are all part of a $20 billion move and plan by Mayor Michael Bloomberg as to help block the city and its boroughs from future devastation like Hurricane Sandy, the New York Observer reported. The mayor said in a statement […]
10 reasons to recycle, easy tips for recycling plastics, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, mayor Bloomberg also proposed installing removable adaptable floodwalls, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, new dune systems proposed for the storm-battered Rockaways and Staten Island, new jersey dumpster rental, New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program for Hurricane Sandy Victims, new neighborhood would be an area similar to Battery Park City, recycling in new jersey, recycling tips, teaneck new jersey house demolition services, understanding dumpster regulations new jersey, what do the recycle numbers mean, where to rent a dumpsterThe Great Pacific Garbage Patch

It’s a growing problem in the northern Pacific Ocean and one that could change life on our planet within the next 20 years. “I remember the first time I felt it; I was paddling out on my surfboard and noticed a mushy, plastic-like substance sliding through my fingers. That’s what started my obsession with the […]
10 reasons to recycle, 25 percent of planet's surface now a landfill, Americans buy 2 million bottles of water every five minutes, Aqua Seafoam Shame, bits of plastic have gathered in vortex known as a gyre, dumpster rental teaneck, easy tips for recycling plastics, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, how to reuse plastic, industrial waste management, new jersey dumpster rental, Plastic in the ocean has far-reaching implications, plastic recycling in new jersey, recycling in new jersey, recycling tips, solid waste recycling, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch located between Hawaii and California in the northern Pacific Ocean, Waste Management News, where to rent a dumpsterHomeowners More Eco-Conscious

These days, more and more homeowners want to be more eco-conscious, but believe it will cost too much money. However, by incorporating just a few simple and cost-effective tips into everyday living, homeowners can turn their home into a more energy-efficient investment. Here are 10 easy steps to go green and save green:
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There always seems to be some confusion when it comes to what we can and cannot recycle. Particularly troublesome are plastics because in order to be reformulated and re-used as raw material, different types of plastics require different processing. Some municipalities only accept jugs, bottles and containers with certain numbers stamped on the bottom while […]
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