Plastic is known for its uses and even more so for the adverse effects it can have on the environment. The basic reason for this is simple; it is non-biodegradable, meaning that it cannot decompose. Therefore, whenever it is discarded, it ends up going in the oceans and rivers and remaining there, completely destroying oceanic […]
Why is Dumpster Rental becoming so Popular?

Dumpster rental companies have become quite common in the country in recent times. Do you know why? Because more companies realize how they can help manage waste more effectively and help play their part in a greener earth. With their popularity rising, dumpster rental companies have also increased, and you may find it hard to […]
A dumpster requires a lot of vertical space for dumping, dumpster rental companies have also increased, dumpster rental teaneck, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new jersey dumpster rental, recycling in new jerseyConstruction Waste Management

Construction is one of the biggest industries in the States. Construction waste is generated by construction activities, such as scrap, damaged or spoiled materials, packaging materials and waste generated by labor. Waste management is the technique of reduction, recycling and reuse of such wastes to ensure sustainability of resources. There are several recycling companies in […]
Construction and Demolition Wastes, dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, learn the materials involved in construction waste, recycling in new jersey, waste managementDumpster Rental Services in New Jersey

One of the major responsibilities that you have to face when living in New Jersey is waste management. A survey was conducted recently which calculated waste statistics of the major American cities over the past decade. New Jersey was one of the major exporters of waste. The problem is further heightened by the fact that […]
Check Out the Condition of the Dumpster, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new jersey dumpster rental, public services that can adequately deal with waste management and sanitation, recycling in new jerseyWhen Dumps were Dumps

I remember when dumps were real dumps. On Saturday mornings, you’d throw your junk in the back of a spring-shot pick-up truck that you kept running for such occasions. This was not just any worn out ghost boat from Detroit. This truck had personal meaning. (I won’t go into all the possible meanings of “meaning.”) […]
express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new jersey dumpster rental, recycling tips, teaneck new jersey house demolition services, The old dump was big and good, we no longer have free-range dumpsFood Waste in America – How You Can Help

More than any other single material, food reaching landfills and incinerators is the highest in municipal solid waste. Over 36 million tons of food waste was generated and thrown out in dumpsters in 2012 and only four percent was diverted from landfills and incinerators for composting. Why should we divert food waste from landfills? It […]
diverting food waste from landfills, dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, food waste in america, food waste recycling, food waste video, how to reduce the amount of food waste, mike buldo, municipal solid waste, new jersey dumpster rentalDumpster Rental – How it All Works

I’m sure you have seen those large waste receptacles sitting in front of homes that are undergoing a renovation – especially since Hurricane Sandy. They are not like the typical dumpster that you see sitting behind restaurants and in alleys – these almost resemble a box car. These dumpsters are more for rubbish which is […]
express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, new jersey dumpster rental, rental dumpsters for rubbish removal, typical dumpster sitting behind restaurants and in alleys, understanding dumpster rentals, use a dumpster to sort out that messy garage, what you can and can't put in a dumpsterTrash Pick Up by Oil Companies?

Imagine; a system that converts discarded plastic into crude oil – that’s what an Oregon based start-up called Agilyx says it has created. The company hopes to start selling commercial versions in approximately nine months but a prototype has already been in development for the past 18 months. The system converts cooked plastics into a […]
easy tips for recycling plastics, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, how to launch a recycling plan, industrial waste management, investors and large corporations turning attention toward technologies for recycling “resource recovery”, new jersey dumpster rental, Oregon based start-up Agilyx, Plastic Recycling, plastic recycling in new jersey, recycling in new jersey, recycling tips, solid waste recycling, system converts cooked plastics into mixture that can be converted into fuels, system that converts discarded plastic into crude oil, teaneck new jersey house demolition services, two trillion pounds of plastic now sit in landfills in the United States, Waste Management NewsHomeowners More Eco-Conscious

These days, more and more homeowners want to be more eco-conscious, but believe it will cost too much money. However, by incorporating just a few simple and cost-effective tips into everyday living, homeowners can turn their home into a more energy-efficient investment. Here are 10 easy steps to go green and save green:
10 reasons to recycle, easy tips for recycling plastics, eco-conscious myths debunked, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, home recycling tips, homeowners becoming more eco-conscious, how to save energy and money, how to save water and money, how to use less gas and save money, most people believe go green expensive, recycling in new jersey, tips for going green and saving money, top 10 homeowners can do to be more eco-consciousSeagulls, Cranes and Bulldozers – New Sounds for the Summer

The Jersey Shore has a new sound for the summer – cranes and bulldozers – mixed in with the sound of the surf and seagulls overhead. In Mantoloking, workers have begun demolition on the first fifty homes damaged by hurricane Sandy. All 521 homes in this small community were either damaged or destroyed by the […]
50 Mantoloking homes will be coming down in the next 45 days, Britain’s Prince Harry will visit Mantoloking as part of the Jersey shore, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, Jersey Shore first summer since Hurricane Sandy, Mantoloking workers begin demolition first fifty homes damaged by hurricane Sandy, new jersey dumpster rental, recycling in new jersey, solid waste recycling, understanding dumpster rentals, where to rent a dumpster