This year, National Police Week is May 12 through 18. President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week that day falls into as Police Week in 1962. This week, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world will head to Washington DC […]
Posts tagged "recycling in new jersey"
Ineligible People are Receiving Utility Subsidies

On Tuesday a state office said that undeserving homeowners received assistance to pay their heat and electricity bills from a nonprofit organization. People lied about their income and fabricated marriages for this aid while many others in need received nothing. Since it was founded 1998, NJ Shares has given money to over 175,000 households. However […]
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In its first year participating in the magazine ratings, Glen Rock High School was ranked 287th. In the 2013 results that were released on Monday, the school moved up 69 notches to 218th. Paula Valenti, the schools superintendent told the Glen Rock Gazette, “Glen Rock High School is proud to be associated with the 2013 […]
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Are you aware of the US waste production and recycling statistics? It’s frightening when you look at the facts of what we contribute to our environment. These interesting facts are surely going to motivate you to recycle as much as you can. Solid Waste According to the EPA, one person generates 4.5 pounds of trash […]
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For most of the population, recycling is a new thing and most are unsure as to what it’s really all about. Here are some brief FAQ’s about recycling for beginners. These should help you answer the question “why” you should recycle and how to start recycling. Once you have read through the FAQ’s, take a […]
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