Do we value progress? Of course we do, but how is that related to recycling, you ask? It is related because modern New Jerseyans are hard working and dedicated to their career goals, and in turn, really busy people. We move from one goal to the next, always eager for more, for something new and […]
Posts tagged "teaneck sanitation services"
Green Up Your Summer

When summer sun has you slathering on sunscreen and retreating indoors to air-conditioned rooms, it’s easy to forget the winter doldrums that made you eagerly anticipate sunshine and warm temperatures. Winter snow and dreary days seem far away, and you find yourself craving a respite from too much sun. But all that summer sun can […]
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With the backing of the Environmental Industry Associations, Monday June 17th has been designated as National Garbage Man Day! The new day allows people to appreciate those who devote their lives to picking up waste, stated the trade group that represents private waste and recycling companies. In a statement by Sharon H. Kneiss, EIA’s CEO, […]
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Early America In 1657, New Amsterdam which is now New York City passed a law preventing people from throwing waste in the streets. In 1690, America’s first paper mill, Rittenhouse Mill, made paper from recycled cotton and linen in addition to used paper.
1739 Benjamin Franklin petitioned Pennsylvania assembly to stop commercial waste dumping, 1800s England’s household waste collected daily in movable ash bins, 1834 law passed in Charleston West Virginia prohibited hunters killing vultures because they ate garbage, dumpster rental in new jersey, express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, In 1657 New York City passed a law preventing people from throwing waste in the streets, industrial waste management, new jersey dumpster rental, recycling in new jersey, teaneck sanitation services, the Age of Sanitation American 18th century, The Public Health Act of 1848 started the process of regulating waste in BritainIneligible People are Receiving Utility Subsidies

On Tuesday a state office said that undeserving homeowners received assistance to pay their heat and electricity bills from a nonprofit organization. People lied about their income and fabricated marriages for this aid while many others in need received nothing. Since it was founded 1998, NJ Shares has given money to over 175,000 households. However […]
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In its first year participating in the magazine ratings, Glen Rock High School was ranked 287th. In the 2013 results that were released on Monday, the school moved up 69 notches to 218th. Paula Valenti, the schools superintendent told the Glen Rock Gazette, “Glen Rock High School is proud to be associated with the 2013 […]
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This article is a continuation of our previous discussion about climate change. The change of one or 2° F in global average temperatures will have a severe impact on our lives. For every 2°F of warming, the crops that are currently grown will be reduced by five to 15 percent. During the heaviest precipitation events, […]
express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, faq's about recycling, focus on climate change, global warming trends, synthetic waste recycling, teaneck sanitation services, U.S. recycling statistics, understanding dumpster rentals, Waste Management News, what you can't put in a dumpsterClimate Change Facts Part I

There are major scientific agencies in the US which include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirming that humans are contributing to the world’s climate change issues. In 2010, the National Research Council concluded that climate change is currently happening and it’s caused by our activities […]
express recycling and sanitation, express recycling and sanitation blog, focus on climate change, global warming trends, important recycling facts, renting a dumpster, teaneck sanitation services, why you should recycleSpring Cleaning and Yard Debris

At the first warm sign of spring, we’re all ready to be out in our gardens cleaning up fallen branches and debris. But, before walking on your yard and compacting it, you should wait until the soil is no longer wet and you can’t form a ball in your hand with the soil. Don’t wait […]
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